Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Plan B

Okay I feel like I have a really good back up plan if I loose my current job...which I hope I don't loose my current job. I just got really nervous writing that. Oh boy.

Anywho, I think driving the snack/refreshment cart on a golf course would be a great job.

Just a thought.

This could be my new ride:

Friday, September 30, 2011


I was listening to an interview between a marketing guy and a radio magazine. This marketing guy said "blog everyday, even if it's a few sentences."

This was my attempt for the day.

The end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Months & Months

July 1st, sheesh already a whole new month! What’s crazy is I was just telling McSweets yesterday that I am really excited for fall. It’s my absolute favorite season and then I remembered, oh wait I have 2 more months of triple digit H E double hockey sticks! (did you get that, what I was trying to say?)

So as I turn up the fan in the living room, I grab my magazine fresh out of the mail box and as I am looking at some outfits I think they are very fall looking or maybe it’s just on my mind. Then it’s outfit after outfit of warmer clothing, so I flip over the magazine looking at the cover and it says August 2011. I was reading this on June 30th. Whoa. Talk about getting ahead in your work. Well done Lucky magazine. Well done.

With a new month comes a new Goal Sticker Chart. At work I “compete” with co-workers on who can stick to their goal for 3 months. My last sticker chart is completely full! I didn’t miss one day! My goal was to stick to my half marathon training schedule, which included working out 6 days week. It was hard, but you have to understand that I NEEDED my sticker for that day!

The new goal? Training yet again, but this for something called the Warrior Dash. Wooooo ahhhhh, I know you said that in your head. It’s a 5k. What? You just ran a half marathon, 5k, easy peasy, Georgia breezy. Except this is no regular 5k. It involves an obstacle course including jumping over fire. Best part of this whole thing! I get a Viking hat at the end of the race and of course the rights to call myself a WARRIOR!! (Even though I am already a PF Chang Warrior, because I have their coupon card, boom roasted!)

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Feb 28th really that's the last time I posted? That's just silly! A lot has happened since then, for example March, April, May and June!

What have I done in these last few months? In March I attempted to jump in Lake Tahoe to benefit Special Olympics in an event called the "Polar Plunge." Didn't work out so well, because it snowed so hard I couldn't drive over the pass. Instead I jumped into my pool at the apartment complex I live in. Still freezing! Later I found out jumping into a freezing cold pool in the rain and wind is not so great for the ol ticker...aka your heart. Rest assured my heart is doing just fine.


April I visited/worked in the cities of Paradise, Santa Rosa, and Reno, NV. Paradise doesn't really match it's name. There was quite a nice Rite Aid though, picked up some Ritz crackers and bottle of water. Only costed me $11. Oh small towns jacking up your prices. And witnessed at least 2 people in the store wearing pajama pants, it was 4pm but who cares, not Ride Aid that's for sure!

May I visited/worked in the cities of Sacramento, Vacaville and Santa Clara. I did get to visit Seattle by surprising my brother for his 30th birthday! That was probably my favorite city for the month of May.

June I visited/worked in the cities of Red Bluff and Sparks, NV. But I actually got to visit the city of Berkley as well, enjoyed a vegan cinnamon roll, hmmmm soooo gooood. Mocha Almond. That was the flavor. It was awesome sauce.

I ended the month of June by running a 1/2 marathon in Seattle. That's 13.1 miles, it was a good run cardio wise, not so good on the knees, hips and lower back. But finished the race, didn't walk once! Final time 2 hours 16 minutes. Boom goes the dynamite.

I am glad I ended the month with a trip to Seattle for pleasure, because to even write this post I had to look at my work calendar to see what my life entailed for the last 4 months. And yes I know that is sort of sad or r really sad, whatever!

I got a medal! 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Riddle Me This

As I am wandering around my apartment on my day off the words of my father echo in my head, "You need a hobby." It all started with their visit. They came down and we had a lovely time, traveling to Napa and around the home front. My mom at one point was like you don't have to entertain us, you can just do whatever you normally do. And at this point we were just sitting in the living room reading magazines and watching TV. And I thought uhhhh this is what I normally do. Yikes. When the parental unit left, McSweets also had to leave for work and I said, "Hey! What I am I suppose to do?" And my dad looked me square in the eye and said, "You really need a hobby."

Side note: What does the phrase square in the eye really mean? My eyes are round. I digress.

So this sentence has been rolling around in my head for a while and I am trying to think of my hobbies. I use to have hobbies, but since I moved to CA they have really gone away. Most of the time I just work and when I am not working I think about work and I check my work email. (I just read this email and it makes me sound really pathetic, no wonder my dad said what he did)

Next I Google, popular hobbies. This is what I found:

1. Golf
Okay, I just told McSweets while we were watching a golf commercial on TV, golf is boring. I don't understand how people enjoy it and say it's relaxing. I say boring.

2. Playing a Musical Instrument
Use to play the piano. Now I don't have a piano. Moving on.

3. Skiing
Never done it. I don't like being cold either.

4. Gardening
I live in an apartment. Next!

5. Swimming
Can't. My brother got the swim lessons in the family.

6. Snow Boarding
Done it. Suck at it. And again I don't like being cold.

7. Mountain Climbing

So as of now, I am still trying to figure out my "hobbies." Wish me luck!

This is the picture I found when I typed in popular hobbies, 
I really hope it doesn't come to stamp collecting. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh Susannah!

While McSweets is out traveling learning to speak and eat Cajun, I am home taking care of home type duties. You know, the dishes, bills, laundry and of course lil sweets aka Charlie dog.
As I am taking care of such duties I realize that McSweets is totally the alpha male and I have no chance with this dog. Take this morning for example, I am simply getting ready to go work and I open the curtains to let the sun, stream light into the dark apartment and Charlie dog disagrees with me opening the curtains. Therefore he starts to growl, bark and bite the top of my foot. Now don’t be alarmed, Charlie has bitten the top of my foot before has even broke the skin and left a nice bruise. So I get down to his level and say, “Charlie, please stop growling and barking at me. And will you please let me walk out the door without biting my foot? Now I am going to work so please be good.” I felt very good about our conversation went to work, did the work thing and came home in the evening.
This evening I made myself dinner. Nachos. Not cereal, McSweets would be so proud of my cooking skills. As I am enjoying my nachos with cheese and a dash of garlic salt (again my sweets so proud) Charlie decides, hey this would be a great time to start barking and growling again. Yay. Then it hit me like a huge light bulb beaming ever so brightly above my head…Susannah! Susannah will help me! She will entertain Charlie and keep him company! Susannah is a talker and tends to get on my nerves at times, but it’s much better than hearing Charlie bark at me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Up Down In Out

When you write something down it becomes powerful. I just recently found this out. My last post I explained my 3 words that I was concentrating on this year. Grace. Love. Patience. Well…I have been challenged or forced to stretch that muscle of patience these past 2 days. Interesting that when I wrote it I didn’t really think about it. But now that it’s out there, (insert sigh) it’s out there.

Tonight I went to a concert to enjoy, not to work, which was a nice change of pace. The fact that I wore Converse, now that was a mistake. Standing on cement in Converse, well I haven’t done that in a while and my feet, back and knees felt it. So as I am tapping my foot slightly to the music and I notice a blonde woman swaying in front of me. Now usually swaying doesn’t really bother me, but here’s the thing at concerts a few things always happen to me, always.

I will either get the “talkers” (people who come to a concert to talk rather than listen to music, they are most likely wearing too much make up, constantly adjusting their outfits and wearing UGG boots) or I get “dancers” (people, mainly women, who feel the music, usually off beat through their whole body and have the urge to show everyone what they are feeling & bumping into me while they do so). Well tonight, I was really lucky, because the blonde woman was both! Yay for me! Oh and for some reason I portray walkway in front of me at concerts. You know I create a nice bubble in front of me so I am not too close to anyone and people see that as a walkway and continue to walk in front of me for the entire concert, that’s always fun.

As I talked about this with my husband on they way home from the concert he said, “Grace. Love. Patience.”
And I simply said, “(Insert big sigh)”